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World’s bizzare customs on New Year eve

London: A city in central Chile, where locals gather on each New Year’s eve in the town cemetery to welcome the coming year in the company of dead relatives, has ...

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Study reveals worst time to consume coffee

A new study has revealed that the worst time to consume caffeine in the day is six hours before bedtime as it can have significant, disruptive effects on sleep. The ...

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Yahoo reveals most searched travel destinations in India

NAGAPATTINAM: Nine years after the picturesque coastal town of Tarangambadi was battered by tsunami, which claimed more than 700 lives, the town has undergone a total transformation and emerged among ...

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Try water, curd to become from flab to fab

Los Angeles: With the festive season on, gaining weight is a certainty — so keep away the extra bulge with simple and effective fat-busting food. Nutritionist and author Fiona Kirk ...

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Scientists identify potential drug to block AIDS

Washington: Scientists have identified an existing anti-inflammatory drug that in laboratory tests blocked the death of immune system’s cells which occurs as an HIV infection leads to AIDS. Researchers are ...

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Skin Care mistakes to be avoided

Taking care of the skin is something that everyone wants to follow religiously and whilst some women maintain it pretty well, others still make mistakes. Expert say avoid skincare mistakes ...

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Women drinkers at higher liver disease risk

A new study has revealed that women drinkers are more susceptible to the damaging effects of alcohol than men because they are generally smaller in stature and have less body ...

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New Year Resolution For Men

With 2013 drawing to a close, it is time to recollect the good and the bad things that you have done throughout the year. Every new year, we all plan ...

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9 spots where men love to be touched

It is almost always believed that there is only one place a man needs to be touched to get aroused, but that might not be necessarily true! Here are nine ...

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Scientists print new eye cells to treat blindness

Scientists say the finding could lead to the production of artificial tissue grafts made from the variety of cells found in the human retina and may aid in the search ...

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5 fruits you must have to boost immunity

Winter is a time when those whacky cold winds can give you cold and flu and other seasonal health disorders. So one needs to have not just a healthy diet, ...

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Srikaram Subhakaram 22nd Dec 2013

Srikaram Subhakaram 22nd Dec 2013- రాశి ఫలాలు Dec 22nd  to  28th Dec– by Vakkantam Chandra Mouli, janmakundali.com మేషం ఆర్ధికంగా గతం కంటే మెరుగ్గా ఉంటుంది ఆశ్చర్యకరమైన రీతిలో పనులు పూర్తి చేస్తారు ఆత్మీయుల ఆదరణ ...

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Best exercises for a flat stomach

A bulging stomach is a problem area for most mortals. Even those who are naturally thin tend to develop a paunch as they step into their 30s. Our stomachs store ...

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Make love everyday to keep doctors away

You would have never thought that a kiss could help keeping dental worries at bay or a gratifying sexual act at night make you feel fit and fresh the next ...

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5 foods arthritis sufferers should eat

There is no special diet or food that can cure arthritis, but studies suggest adding or avoiding certain foods and supplements may help to lessen pain and inflammation. Some studies ...

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Smoking can cause changes in your genes

Smoking can cause changes in several genes, increasing the risk of developing cancer and diabetes, a new study has found. Researchers from Uppsala University and Uppsala Clinical Research Center in ...

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Junk food can damage your memory in just six days

Sydney: Junk food not only hurts your health but also your memory, according to a new study. The study by Margaret Morris, the head of pharmacology at the University of ...

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Its official: Bit of alcohol a day does keep the doctor at bay

Washington: It has been known for a long time that moderate alcohol consumption is associated with lower mortality, and now a new study has found that moderate consumption of alcohol ...

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Vitamin C For Abortion: Methods To Try At Home

Did you know that Vitamin C is good to terminate an unwanted pregnancy at home. It is not only a safe option for desperate women who are in a mess ...

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Alarm symptoms in early diagnosis of cancer in primary care

If you’ve been experiencing more than one of these symptoms regularly, get yourself checked They are common symptoms and can be passed off as your body getting to grips with ...

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