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Eat these for a healthy heart

choclates-for-healthy-heartHere’s a look at few foods which are good for a healthy heart

Eating healthy means living well. And with a number of heart problems increasing by the day, people are turning more and more towards healthy food. Here’s a look at some items, which one must include in their daily diet, to keep their heart working in the best condition.

Yogurt: Include more yogurts in your diet. Firstly, it is good for both kinds of people – those who want to lose weight and those who want to gain weight – it works both ways. Research shows that gum diseases too affect the heart’s well-being. Yogurt helps in controlling the growth of bacteria in the mouth, and hence helps in ultimately controlling heart diseases too.

Raisins: Raisins too have certain antioxidants that help fight gum disease. So grab a handful of raisins and chew them on your way to work to keep heart diseases at bay.

Beans: Research shows that beans, especially kidney beans, help fight heart diseases. Beans consist of a lot of heart-protecting chemicals and can help keep a check on the cholesterol levels too. So for all those who have high-cholesterol, have half a cup of beans to bring it down.

Nuts: Nuts like almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachio, pecans etc are full of vitamins, minerals and saturated fats. A handful of a mix of these nuts regularly and one can be ensured of lower chances of any heart-related issues.

Chocolates: A good news for all those who love chocolate – dark chocolate is a big source in fighting heart diseases. Dark chocolates is said to boost the immune system and also make the blood thinner, ultimately ensuring its healthy flow in the blood system reaching all organs, especially the heart.

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